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What I Specialize In

Improve Body Composition

Establish a Healthy Relationship with Food 

Create a Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

Improve Balance, Strength, and Mobility

Personalized Nutrition Plan

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If there was an analogy to describe my fitness journey, it would be like my experience in traveling across the continents. I have spent good few years in each city / country I had been to, and let the experiences mature and enrich me. Some cities were okay, and I felt glad that I had visited them at least once. Some cities are simply mind-blowing. They made such an impression on me that before I knew it, I somehow found some of personal preferences 'shaped' by these places; be it culturally and/or gastronomically.


From graceful Aikido to explosive CrossFit. From a jam-packed High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class with blasting music to a solitary Yoga out in tranquil Nature. From a diet that eliminates food resources to a diet that actually honors our unique biochemistry and genetics. I have done every single one of them. The exploration and the experiments were needed for me to make an informed decision on which ones of these approaches that work best for me to reach an optimal health.


I encourage you to always keep your beginner's mind, learn about your body and be proactive with your health. Challenge your old beliefs, and invest in the betterment for yourself. Find a fitness practice or two that you find the most enjoyable. As for me; it is Yoga and Bodybuilding – the best of two totally different disciplines that I find the most wholesome, solitary, spiritual and stoic.


Practicing proper nutrition is also a form of self-love and self-mastery. There’s nothing more joyful and empowering than knowing that you are honoring and giving your body exactly what it needs; nourishing movement and food.


Cheria Swenson CPT, CNC, Yoga Practitioner, Natural Bikini Fitness Athlete,


Founder of Cheria Swenson LLC


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